Business is figuring out how to actually improve its social impact

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Some 15 years into the impact investing movement, and more than that into the social entrepreneurship movement, the market-driven economy is starting to get a handle on how to not only understand what social and environmental impacts it is generating, but also how to improve those impacts.

There are a few players who have been in the trenches, figuring out how to form deals where both the money and the operating side are intentional and deliberate about designing for social value creation, and being accountable for it.

As such it's a privilege to have the chance to work with one of the great leaders in this domain, Brian Beachkofski of Third Sector, to bring some of the best experience and insights into how to do this, and what pitfalls to avoid, to a wider audience into the form of a one-day Impact Management Skills Training program.

We offered it in San Francisco December 12, and will be offering the same training in Boston on January 30. More dates and locations by demand.

You can read more about the program and sign up here. Impact makers, we'd love to see you there!