Our Clients
We’ve served corporations, foundations, institutional investors, private equity firms, individual investors, banks, governmental entities, nonprofits, social enterprises, and startups. Big and small, established and emergent, we work with those striving to solve society’s tough problems and improve their impact.
Words from Our Clients
“We were really impressed by how SVT brought clarity to what we were trying to do…. We liked SVT because of the clarity of work and we understood that SVT is respected in the field...We’ve definitely used a number of the tools SVT produced and have managed to attract a lot of national attention with a publication and conference presentations that resulted from the work."
Allison Gertel-Rosenberg, Director, National Prevention and Practice, Nemours
“There was a real return in working with them. I would tell everyone about them and have, and I would work with them again, and have, which I think is the biggest complement.”
Kristen Falk, former CEO, New Progressive Coalition
“ … I hope that as our business evolves we have the opportunity to work with SVT Group again to explore and implement [our] robust impact accounting framework and practice … over the few months [since the close of the project], we have repeatedly revisited the SVT deliverables, especially the impact thesis … thus far, it’s been a tremendous help to us … ”
“ … Corporations are now placing much more weight on social impact; [SVT’s] model helps us communicate our initiatives … ”
Restore the Earth Foundation
“SVT is clearly the leader in SROI analysis…. The approach SVT took was incredibly practical… We were trying out a bunch of different folks in this area of social impact metrics and Sara came out as the best.”
Eric Carlson, Co-creator, Global Social Benefit Incubator
“… [SVT’s work] was very helpful in clarifying the theory of change around a potential initiative - we appreciated the structured, fact-based thinking … ”
Sound Postings, LLC; Office of Yo-Yo Ma
"SVT is one of the best organizations we have worked with, hands down, on so many levels. We would recommend SVT services and expertise to anyone."
Nancy Hunt, We Are Family Foundation